Thursday 14 January 2016

Hollywood Hottie Leonardo Dicaprio Covers Rolling Stone Magazine

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SAN FRANCISCO, January 14, (THEWILL) – Ahead of his Oscar Best Actor win (we're being hopeful!), Leonardo DiCaprio covers Rolling Stone Magazine's ( latest issue.

The 41-year-old actor sat down with the magazine to talk about his childhood, his Oscar-buzzed work on ‘The Revenant’, his near-death experience, having children and his dedication to saving the world from environmental catastrophe.

On whether he would love to start a family someday, he said, “Do you mean do I want to bring children into a world like this? If it happens, it happens. I’d prefer not to get into specifics about it, just because then it becomes something that is misquoted. But yeah. I don’t know. To articulate how I feel about it is just gonna be misunderstood.”

On the likelihood of finally winning an Oscar, the actor answered, “Sure, everyone likes to be recognized, but that’s out of my hands—other people control those things,” he said. “I will say it would help the film, bring it to more people.”

The issue is set to hit newsstands this Friday!
Photography: Mark Seliger


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