Thursday 29 August 2013


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It was to my greatest consternation when the news broke that a little boy of 15 years, Daniel Ihekina beat the security of Arik Air and FAAN in Benin to hide under the tyre compartment of an Arik aircraft en route to lagos.

According to reports, the young boy's aim was to join the aircraft which he hoped was heading to America, with claims that he wanted to leave the country because he was maltreated by his parents, but unfortunately it was en route to Lagos.

There was however pandemonium at the air side of the lagos airport when passengers alighting from the aircraft saw the teenager as he emerged from the aircraft tyre hole to join the passengers who boarded the aircraft. He was immediately arrested by security officials for investigation on how he accomplished the mysterious feat.

The situation which has become a major source of worry has lead to war of words between FAAN and Arik over the security lapses that lead to the ugly incidence.

The arrest of the young boy and the war of words between FAAN and Arik make me wonder why Nigerians are found of prescribing medicine after death. Had this young boy been a terrorist with bomb, it could have become another case of a terrorist attack on a Nigerian aircraft. Read it HERE

This is not the time to lay blames and throw stones but a time to beef up security. Let this incidence prove to security officials in the country and the government that there is a great lope hole in the nation's security irrespective of the claim of it being beefed up.

The case of the stowaway kid shows how porous Nigeria's security has been all the while to the incessant attack of the islamic sect, Boko Haram. The ingenuity of the young boy should be praised and instead of punish him, he should be groomed by the security officials he is under their custody for a positive use of his guts and ingenuity to the develpoment of the country.


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