Thursday 2 May 2013

Doris Simeon In Fresh Divorce Case…Daniel To Be Arrest For Forgery

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You might have read a lot about Daniel Adeninokan and Doris Simeon in the past few days, their case, though, interesting, but it's gradually becoming one of the movie shot in Nollywood.

Concerned fans of the Nollywood actress are of the opinion that, Doris is no doubt, a dunce and seriously need to pray for wisdom for allowing a man to take his only son from her with fake divorce court documents claiming that court has granted him full custody of the baby, David. No court will give custody of a baby to a man when the mother is not insane or deranged.

As you read this, Doris has dragged Danielto court for fresh processing of their divorce case and with the fake documents her lawyer has possession of, Daniel may be wanted for questioning on the fake divorce documents. If found guilty, he may have to face the full wrath of law for forgery and obtaining by false pretense.

See below the documents that indicts Daniel and the fresh court papers for the divorse filed by Doris Simeon.


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